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Wedding Industry Law

Feb 22, 2021

🤷🏻‍♀️ Indemnity or indemnification is a contract term in which one party agrees to be responsible for the liabilities of another. In other words, one party is agreeing to be responsible for any harms or losses that may arise from a certain scenario. But how far does this go? Can you have your client...

Feb 15, 2021

🤷🏻‍♀️ Pepsi or Coke. Crunchy or soft shell taco. Reels or Tik Tok. Telling the client about commissions on vendor invoices or not. I feel like folks are all in one camp or the other. There’s no inbetween. So let’s work this out together. This week on the podcast, we unpack the legal ramifications of...

Feb 8, 2021

 Making videographers and filmmakers cough up money for a permit is actually unconstitutional according to a recent United States District Court opinion. So does that mean you’re free to film at the Grand Canyon without any worries? Maybe, maybe not. This week on the podcast, we welcome Robert Corn-Revere, the...

Feb 1, 2021

🤷🏻‍♀️ After hitting it off with the couple, you sent over your contract to sign. When it comes back it’s got more red splashed on it than a GoT episode. When do you capitulate, when do you stick to your guns? When do you keep going, when do you run? In this week’s episode, we talk about considerations to...